App Usage Privacy

Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to protecting your privacy, so we've developed a Privacy Policy, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices.

Personal Information
Personal information is data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person. We DO NOT collect, store or use any personal information while you visit, download or upgrade our website or our products.

Non-Personal Information

Non-personal information is data in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual, including but not limited to your device and app history, contacts, SMS, location, camera, photos, media, files, wi-fi connection information ... We may collect and use non-personal information in the following circumstances to provide you useful functions in our applications.


The security of your data is very important to us and we ensure your information we use in the applications will not be sent to anyone with internet, all your information are stored in your device storage. 

we use Google Analytics to collect data from, control and/or monitor computers and devices running or interacting with the Apps or our Site. The collected data is anonymously and used to help us understand how customers engage with this application. It reports application trends without identifying individual customers. We reserve the right to anonymously track and report your activity inside of our applications. We will not share this information with other customers, or any third parties.


For detail permission we use in the application, please open application click F.A.Q or access app info.

Location information
we does not collect and/or transmit your precise location information to our Site. Some of our Apps may have the ability to read your precise location from your mobile device and may use this information to enhance the functionality of the app. However, your precise location information won't be transmitted to our Site. Our Site or Apps may use advertising services to display ads. Advertising services collect the device's IP address, which may be used to estimate the general geographic region from which you are connecting to the Internet. The information is only used to display ads, fraud prevention, or security.


We uses Google's mobile advertising platform Admob in free version and fully complies with their privacy and the developer's policy. Admob uses Google's Advertising ID API to provide adverts to you. These adverts can include targeted ones. You can access settings related to advertising under Google settings app on your phone. Those settings enabled and controlled by Google. 


We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us.



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